NEW! Game Changer Baccarat 1 - The Revolution In Baccarat Winning Is Here
This is the REVOLUTIONARY new Baccarat strategy that will possibly change the rules on how casinos offer the game! Utilizing a unique bet selection and money management approach, not only does it change the game, but it also will change your wealth!
And for a LIMITED TIME, we have lowered the price on Game Changer for more people to enjoy! The OFFER button is activated but we won’t go crazy. The information is FAR too valuable!
The Revolution in Baccarat is here. It was only a matter of time before somebody cracked the code and was able to win regularly at the game. A revolutionary bet selection coupled with the best money management methods specifically tailored to the bet selection has made this strategy a force in the gambling world.
When Jim Billups first started playing Baccarat over 40 years ago, he never dreamed that he would see much less create a strategy that can take on anything thrown at it: give us your chops, your streaks and your Terrible Twos. Nothing has been able to overcome all of these nasty portions of the game. Until now.
Game Changer Baccarat is here and it has produced dozens of consistent winners among its testers in the field. These testers did it all - they played at high limit tables, they played at mini Baccarat, they played the electronic machines and the stadium seating games. And they also played the unthinkable - online casinos! And WON!
Never before has a strategy thought of EVERYTHING. Will we be as bold as to say you will never lose? Of course not! But winning consistently and profiting over and over? Yes! Losing it all in one session the profits that you accumulated in ten others? Absolutely not. The money management system doesn’t use dangerous progressions that can wipe out sessions, even months and years of hard work in one bad losing streak. The preferred money management even PROTECTS you from getting wiped out, all the while enduring losing streaks seamlessly. Then it pounces on wins like a lion attacking its prey. In fact, one tester reported an over 70-unit win. In ONE shoe!
This particularly large win is rare for certain. That being said, it’s possible you could have a 10-unit win in 20 bets or less. That is definitely not as uncommon as you might think. Heck if you were to win 2-3 units a shoe and be happy? Then you need to prepare to have that smile almost stay permanent on your face! Some might think you will need surgery to remove it! In all seriousness though, 2-3 units per shoe are the norm. Heck 5-6 units per shoe are not uncommon. Just hold onto your hats when you break that 20-30 unit level and then have to go buy a bigger wallet!
Hurry before the Best Offer button goes away with the number of players that can buy this system. At some point we will need to raise the price to the normal price to prevent too many people from playing this way. That’s a sure way to get people banned and to have the casinos change the way the game is played. Just think about this - casinos have added a THIRD zero on some roulette tables. This isn’t just to have fun. They can do the same for Baccarat too.
There's only enough room for a few players with this system before pit bosses begin catching on and banning Game Changer players. It's for your protection only! This system is live now! Mr Billups is already testing a GC2 and GC3, both of which could be available as early as December. You will also need to sign a Confidentiality Agreement before purchasing. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Of course, our customer service is impeccable. Look at our reviews and feedback! We want to help you become a winner. We have done that for many. If you would like any testimonials, please feel free to ask.
PURCHASE & SHIPPING INFO: PayPal is the preferred method of payment. However, for this item, we must accept payment with other methods. You will get instructions on how to do so once you have purchased the item. Payment is due within 3 days of purchase. Systems will be sent electronically either through email or via a download link. A hardcopy CD containing the exact same information is available to be sent via the postal service for an additional fee.
ATTENTION - Although this information will be disseminated in digital format, Buyers can also receive the information via the U.S. Postal Service at an additional charge if they so choose via CD or other storage product.
DISCLAIMER: Buyer accepts responsibility for their gambling actions. As this system has proven to be sound and provide profits in the long-run, certain past performances cannot guarantee future results. Buyer also agrees to not disclose any contents of this subscription, written, electronic or otherwise to anyone else, or else certain penalties may be imposed.