"Beating Random" Volumes 1-3 Roulette Strategy / System (2 of 3) - BRAND NEW!
Well, not just Average Joes! ALL players can finally be shown how to beat roulette! (Sorry ladies!). As you know, roulette theoretically is a random game. There are tricks of the trade that can allow you to use certain phenomenon to beat this randomness. Sure, there will be times when random can give you a hard time, but most of the time, a lot of the randomness in the game CAN and WILL be beaten regularly by players just like you and me!
When was the last time you went to the casino and thought “this is the day where I beat the game of roulette!”?
I’m guessing it was recently! Maybe as soon as today? A few hours ago? Look, if you’re going to the casino not believing you can win, then why are you going? Are you going for entertainment only? If so, then this may not be for you. However, if you are interested in changing that mindset, or you are in fact believing you can win, then this IS for you!
BEATING RANDOM Volumes 1-3 is a collection of new systems designed to give you a nice advantage in beating the game of roulette. As you know, the house has an edge of 2.6% (single zero or European roulette) up to 5.2% (double zero or American roulette). Although it’s not a great proposition on any given spin, keep in mind that “what comes up must come down”! That means that cold numbers must get hot, and hot numbers must get cold. In a truly random game, which the casinos are trying to simulate, all numbers show up equally in the long run.
Now you aren’t going to sit at a table for 10,000 spins or more at a time. That’s just impossible physically and mentally. However, in that amount of time, number frequency evens itself out. It just must in a truly random game. In the short term, however, the amount of spins that you will play at a time, you can take advantage of the hot, cold and in-between, if you KNOW WHAT YOU’RE SEEKING!!!
NOW You Can Know What You’re Seeking!
BEATING RANDOM Volumes 1-3 does just that! Each of the strategies is independent of the other. You don’t need to have all three, but you will be better off with all three. In fact, you can play them all together and have an even better chance of winning. Although their concepts are similar, they are also quite different. You will see if you check out all three. Here’s a description of the three:
Volume One: Building Blocks: You’ve certainly heard the expression, “you have to crawl before you walk.” That is what Volume 1 is all about. Have you ever played a single number? Maybe you have a lucky number that you play. Maybe there’s a number that has been hitting a lot for you. Perhaps a birthday you play? Most players feel like you need to cover the board to be successful to beat the game of roulette. However, think about this: the payoff for a single number win is 35:1, or you are getting $35 (or whatever unit you use) in profit for each $1 you bet on a SINGLE number. That’s a great profit! But do you know what number to select? Again, it’s a precise science. Volume 1 will tell you how to play this single number and do it profitably! Does this sound boring to you? Some people think so. I just cannot fathom why anybody would be bored with making money! But to each their own! Let’s look at what some of our players are saying about how boring it is to win!
- “I can’t believe what I am seeing! Today I took Volume One with me to the casino and came back with 98 units in just two hours. I don’t think I’ve ever won that much that fast. Thank you for your offer on Volume One! I’m ordering the next two from you now! I know I’ll make all the money back on that the next trip! Thanks again!” – Ron L., Mystic, CT
- “Winning is in the water here! First, I played Volume 1 in the morning and won $120. My wife then used it to win another $150! Thank you for such a great insightful system. Looking forward to our next trip.” – Jerald B., Pisgah, NC
- “Concepts in Vol 1 are solid. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before. Happy to continue to win. Keep working on such great strategies!” – Anthony P., Middletown, KY
Volume Two: Expand the Base: Not everybody likes the thought of betting one number repeatedly until it hits (or IF it hits)! This strategy will give you a little more of a cushion and a sigh of relief. Now, this doesn’t mean that you will be betting on every possible number combination that’s hitting like crazy or those that are cold. It will still be a limited amount of numbers to bet. In fact, you will start with just one number. At some point you may end up adding numbers to the mix. In fact, unless you are hitting within the first few spins, you WILL be adding more numbers. Maybe that makes you feel a little more comfortable? It should. Again, until you know WHAT numbers to bet, you may or may not win. Expand the Base will tell you just that. You will know how to bet these numbers and when, and capitalize on the wins for great profits. Although you don’t know what the system does until you try it, you can “bet” that you will be happy with the results. And, you will know that you are playing individual numbers with this system as well, not large groups of numbers that can deplete your bankroll in a hurry! Let’s look at what some of our players are saying about Expand the Base:
- “I’m 12 sessions in with Expand the Base and I’m 11-for-12. Not a bad batting average. I looked over my session that I lost and found that I made a minor mistake and it cost me. The great thing about it is that my ‘mistake’ and losing session was only $14. I’ll take that any day of the week and twice on Sundays! Thanks for such a good system.” – Tim W., Elkton, WV
- “I never write to authors to tell them of my progress, because quite frankly, I’ve never had much to write about. Even when I was winning, it quickly disappeared, and I didn’t feel like complaining. Well, I’m not complaining today. I’ve had four weeks of success with vol 2 and I couldn’t be more excited about my roulette future.” – Pauline L., Mesa, AZ
- “Are you going to continue to develop more strategies like V2? If so, please keep me on your mailing list!” – Vann S., Henderson, NV
Volume Three: Moving Parts vs. Moving Parts: Volume 3 is one of the more interesting concepts that we’ve developed. You are going to be using a combination of numbers based on what you are seeing on the boards, or what you’ve recorded. Sometimes these numbers will be the same. Other times, they won’t. If you have the ideal session, you can play the same numbers (note I said “numbers” not “number”) for over 200 spins with incredible success. I had a customer write in recently (you will see this below), telling me that he played the same numbers for over 500 spins!! He played over 12 hours straight which I don’t recommend, but that is incredible! Well, I’ll let you read his results below. Most of the time, though, I will warn you, you will see some changeover, and that’s okay. You will be utilizing a rolling sequence that will be clear as the water in the Florida Keys instead of clear as muddy lake water! Watching the moving parts (your bet selection) play against other moving parts (the randomness of the game) is quite fun. You look forward to every spin like it’s your birthday. Don’t be surprised if you come home with a fistful of dollars from this strategy. I won’t lie to you though – you may have a bad day, which you can with any strategy. Don’t let that deter you – you will WIN WIN WIN so often with this strategy that any losing day will be a drop in the bucket. Oh, I almost forgot, you probably want to hear from some of our customers. Here it is:
- “Are you kidding me? Can I say that louder, so you hear me: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! The ideal session you talked to me about before my last trip was one for the ages! I finally got to the trigger point and started betting the numbers that I was taught to play with Volume 3. 544 spins later, I finally had to quit! I left the casino with over 2,100 units of their money! I’ve never seen anything like this before. Even if I were to lose, it would be just a small percentage given back. I am still awe struck! I’ve never played this much and this long, and I was plum wore out, but I’ll take this any day! Thank you so much for this system and the encouraging words before I put it into action. At some point in time, I’m going to need to use the other 2 volumes, but for now, I’ll play this. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m going to jump right in with the other two. If they’re only partially as good as this, I’m in great shape!” – Wayne S., Canton, NC
- “This is the thinking players’ strategy. And I don’t want anyone to be deterred by this, but you must be prepared to play, and if you are, you are prepared to win. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have my usual wine while playing roulette. And it has paid off! The great thing is that if you are paying attention, you ‘see’ the numbers changing and you capitalize on it. Before this, I thought roulette was a boring game. No longer! Thank you for the innovation! – Ellen W., Covington, KY
- “Will buy all of your strategies from now on. I’m happy that I was able to find something as good as Volume 3. Especially in time for my quarterly trip to Las Vegas. Please keep me in the loop for any updates or new releases.” – Gary T., San Antonio, TX
You’ve seen the literature for each of my new three strategies. You’ve seen the Testimonials. Now, here’s the good part:
These systems, when nationally released will likely be priced at $499 each. During this pre-sale promotion (and the systems will be available by August 15, 2020), you can take advantage of pre-publication specials and get these – to be very sought out systems – for just $150 EACH!! That’s right! Acting early will get you nearly $350 off each of these strategies. This special will only last for so long before the price is moved up. Don’t miss out on these!
“But wait, there’s MORE!”
Yes, this is a great price for some amazing moneymakers! Here’s how you can save even more on these:
- Buy one of these strategies and pay $150 each.
- Buy any two of these strategies and pay $200 total (save $100!)
- Buy ALL THREE of these strategies and pay just $250 (savings of $200 off the SALE PRICE!)
Buying all three will save you at least $1,000 over the nationally published price. What an incredible way to own three new strategies that will help you win!! Now keep in mind that at this price, there is no money-back guarantee, however, you will have UNLIMITED SUPPORT from my sales support team. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask them for help.
Your sales rep will tell you how to pay for the systems. Please make sure you put on your memo which one(s) you will be ordering. I’m extremely excited to be able to share this opportunity with you! I wish you all the luck in the world in your soon to be roulette business. You will be happy with how successful your business can be!
Yours in Winning,
Keep in mind, once you sign on the dotted line (the Confidentiality Agreement), there's no turning back. But you'll be glad you did!! There are of course, no money back guarantees once this system is delivered to you.
NOTE: This system is NOT available in the Roulette Systems package that we offer!
That's about all of the detail that is available. This could be the opportunity you have been looking for. However, you have to commit yourself to learning it inside and out. Practice before you play for real. Ask questions if you have them. Once you start playing, you will be glad that you read this ad and bid on the item. If you pass on this, best of luck to you to find the roulette strategy that fits you best. If you do bid, congratulations in advance!
Of course, our customer service is impeccable. Look at our reviews and feedback! Keep in mind that you will need to sign the Confidentiality Agreement before the system is released to you.
PURCHASE & SHIPPING INFO: PayPal is the preferred method of payment. However, for this item, we must accept payment with other methods. You will get instructions on how to do so once you have purchased the item. Payment is due within 3 days of purchase. Systems will be sent electronically either through email or via a download link. A hardcopy CD containing the exact same information is available to be sent via the postal service for an additional fee.
ATTENTION - Although this information will be disseminated in digital format, Buyers can also receive the information via the U.S. Postal Service at an additional charge if they so choose via CD or other storage product.
DISCLAIMER: Buyer accepts responsibility for their gambling actions. As this system has proven to be sound and provide profits in the long-run, certain past performances cannot guarantee future results. Buyer also agrees to not disclose any contents of this subscription, written, electronic or otherwise to anyone else, or else certain penalties may be imposed.