ETF Roulette Series System / Strategy S4 Method BRAND NEW
The author of this series of roulette systems is quite clever. He wanted to develop a group of systems that would win consistently, but at the same time, be very easy to implement. Some systems are just so complicated, that by the time you calculate the next bet, your opportunity has passed and the ball is spinning around the wheel at the speed of light! This particular series, called ETF Roulette stands for Easy To Facilitate (ETF). Many of you may have heard of ETF Funds in the world of high finance, which stands for Exchange Traded Funds. This series might as well do the same - you invest time and money, and you get rewarded with big returns. The author, who used to trade on Wall Street for a living coincidentally (hence the clever name), is also a roulette professional, so you know he wants you to win as badly as he wants to win for himself. This series of systems is so powerful that it requires you to sign a Confidentiality Agreement before any of them are released and shipped to you. If you would rather not hold yourself accountable for such information and to make sure you guard it, then maybe you should look at the next system down the line, because this one probably isn't for you.
This set of professionally written and created systems is all you need to take on the casino and take home a lot of their money. In fact, I will let you in on a little secret - many mathematical professionals have said that because roulette is such a random game, you need to constantly be random yourself in playing it so that the powers that be don't catch what you are doing and cause you to lose. The house edge is tricky. However, if you hit and run and change up your strategies, you can keep avoiding the game from hitting you and running away with your money! Staying with one strategy constantly will cause that to happen. However, with the ETF Series, you will have nine strategies to rotate, to keep the roulette gods from catching up to you. Now, let's get this straight - this doesn't mean that you won't lose, because you will, and often. However, if you are winning more than you lose, then it doesn't matter, right? That's what this series of strategies does for you. Win more than you lose. That's the goal of any gambler, right?
Back to this specific system in the ETF Series - the first in the set of nine being created (and there might be more in the future!)- the S4 Method is a strong method that keeps the casino guessing. It doesn't keep you guessing - you will know immediately what to bet and where and for how much. No outlandish calculations needed and once you get started, it will be like clockwork. There are charts to help you through it at first, but before too long, you will be betting with your eyes closed. The S4 uses a concept of advantage betting. That's not to say you will ever have an advantage over the house, but it uses a little known fact about the wheel that most people don't know about. Because of this, we can accurately predict what will be coming out on the next spin based on what just happened. The great thing about the strategy is that it's flexible. If the main bet selection is struggling, just switch over to the alternate bet selection and let it do the work for you. The selection that is explained in the manual will show you number combinations that happen more than any other in the game. For instance, if you look at the 36 possible combinations on the craps table, the 7 comes out the most as an individual number. That's why so many people lose to the 7. With S4, you will learn what comes out the most and why. After that, it's time to start winning!! Our players and author like to play (and WIN) with this method flat betting, however, sometimes you need to be dug out of the occasional holes that get dug for you. So our author recommends certain progressions such as the M2W and the OG1 progressions for mild recovery, up to a straight progression for the more daring and aggressive recoveries.
You've been burned several - if not hundreds - of times by systems sellers claiming everything from houses in Monaco to Lambourghini cars and vacation homes all over the planet. We are not here to make those claims. Although, if you played this enough, it's likely that you can afford some of the better things in life. Or save for a great college education for your kids. Or just tuck away as your entertainment fund (and that thing will grow exponentially over time). The methods that are within this manual - the Main Bet especially - are some methods that most have never seen before until now. The Main Bet is light years different than anything you've seen before, and fortunately the author of this wonderful approach was convinced to share it to those who really want to be serious about winning. By pricing it the way that it is, it ensures that there will be very few copies in circulation. And this keeps out the "tire kickers". Keep in mind, once you sign on the dotted line (the Confidentiality Agreement), there's no turning back. But you'll be glad you did!! There are of course, no money back guarantees once this system is delivered to you.
Again, the S4 is the first in a series of the ETF Roulette system series. We will allow you the opportunity to purchase all of them in advance at a substantial discount, because rotating these systems is the correct recipe for beating the casinos at roulette. Please continue to monitor our Selling page to spot new releases.
NOTE: This system is NOT available in the Roulette Systems package that we offer!
That's about all of the detail that is available. This could be the opportunity you have been looking for. However, you have to commit yourself to learning it inside and out. Practice before you play for real. Ask questions if you have them. Once you start playing, you will be glad that you read this ad and bid on the item. If you pass on this, best of luck to you to find the roulette strategy that fits you best. If you do bid, congratulations in advance!
Of course, our customer service is impeccable. Look at our reviews and feedback! Keep in mind that you will need to sign the Confidentiality Agreement before the system is released to you.
PURCHASE & SHIPPING INFO: PayPal is the preferred method of payment. However, for this item, we must accept payment with other methods. You will get instructions on how to do so once you have purchased the item. Payment is due within 3 days of purchase. Systems will be sent electronically either through email or via a download link. A hardcopy CD containing the exact same information is available to be sent via the postal service for an additional fee.
ATTENTION - Although this information will be disseminated in digital format, Buyers can also receive the information via the U.S. Postal Service at an additional charge if they so choose via CD or other storage product.
DISCLAIMER: Buyer accepts responsibility for their gambling actions. As this system has proven to be sound and provide profits in the long-run, certain past performances cannot guarantee future results. Buyer also agrees to not disclose any contents of this subscription, written, electronic or otherwise to anyone else, or else certain penalties may be imposed.